Thursday, 7 April 2016

Walk in the Domain, take Hettie back and fly

Nice morning walk in the Domain with Brian. Stopped at the hot house and did a city bush walk. Coffee in the National Museum before back to pack and say our farewell.
Drove Hettie back to her home! 92 days and she performed great for us. Just petrol and a rear light bulb. No more dents and just hand the keys back before Snap Rental gave us a lift to the airport.
Clever packing meant the 2 cases each weighed 29.11kgs a smidgen under the Emirates 30kgs.
A380 on time and a smooth flight to our first stop at Melbourne. I say smooth,  it was until landing, the giant was bumped around by what the pilot apologised for later, 4 wind directions shifted and gusted so we almost touched down but had to do a hasty lift off and go around again. Fine second attempt.  These in flight cameras are great to judge how well the pilot is doing!

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